SPEF – South Pasadena Educational Foundation

Excellence Through Enrichment

SPEF provides funds, enrichment programs, and equipment to improve students’ education. This is possible only through the generosity of people like you.

The mission of the South Pasadena Educational Foundation is to support educational excellence in the public schools of South Pasadena. We do so by raising funds to supplement the school district’s budget and by operating enrichment programs for local students.

In 1979, in response to educational budget conditions not unlike those faced today, a group of concerned parents and community leaders formed the South Pasadena Educational Foundation (SPEF). Incorporated as a 501(c)(3) charity in 1980, SPEF was designated by the South Pasadena Unified School District (SPUSD) as the official private fund-raising organization for the support of the district’s educational programs.

Since its inception, SPEF has provided much-needed support to South Pasadena
students in all their educational needs,  including curriculum, science and technology, library services and support, visual and performing arts, foreign languages, character development,  critical thinking, career preparation, counseling, and athletics. Donations to SPEF have always supported all five of South Pasadena’s public schools: Arroyo Vista, Marengo, and Monterey Hills elementary schools, South Pasadena Middle School, and South Pasadena High School.

Over the past four decades, SPEF has raised close to $14 million to restore and enhance educational programs our school district could not fund alone. SPEF raises funds through donations from area residents and businesses, as well as by administering summer school and after-school programs that provide enhanced learning experiences to local students for a fee. SPUSD schools are the cornerstone of our community and the number one reason families move to South Pasadena.

South Pasadena Educational Foundation values and protects the privacy of its donors. Donor contact information is only used to support the mission of SPEF and South Pasadena Unified School District. Your information is never sold nor made available for commercial purposes. Requests for anonymity are honored.

Each year SPEF is proud to present events that bring our community together while also raising much-needed funds for our school district. Click here to learn more.

Volunteer With SPEF

Volunteering with SPEF is a great way to meet active members of the community while helping raise funds for our schools. SPEF holds numerous events throughout the year that requires a wide range of skills. If you would like to volunteer with SPEF, please let us know your interests and we will make sure to contact you.

  • For year-round volunteer opportunities, please fill-out the volunteer form.
  • For event specific volunteer opportunities, use the appropriate event link to the right, to take you to our shift sign-ups.

To learn more and volunteer, click here.

Sponsor An Event

Sponsorship for SPEF is a great way to be apart of the community while helping raise funds for our schools. SPEF holds numerous events throughout the year that requires a wide range of skills. If you would like to become a Sponsor, please let us know your interests and we will make sure to contact you.

To learn more, click here.

Business Alliance Partners

Become a Business Alliance Partner with SPEF and help raise funds for our schools throughout the year.

To learn more, click here.

Find them:

(626) 441-5810 ext. 1163

1100 El Centro Street
South Pasadena, CA 91030
Office hours Mon-Fri, 8am-4pm

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 3342
South Pasadena, CA 91031-6342


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