Elizabeth House

Empowering pregnant and parenting women in need to reclaim their lives and build successful family legacies.

For two-plus decades, Elizabeth House has been the only Residential Program in the entire San Gabriel Valley that embraces pregnant mothers and their children (up to age five). Since its beginning in 1993, Elizabeth House has committed to meeting needs in this community among the most vulnerable. California is the epicenter of homelessness in this country, and many of the families affected by this are headed by single women.

Elizabeth House takes a trauma-informed approach that addresses physical, emotional, spiritual, and economic needs in both women and their children. Often, the team becomes family to the women in need who long for a safe and supportive place to belong. Without exception, the women and children who seek services do so because of difficult life experiences inclusive of poverty, domestic violence, generational family trauma, foster care, substance dependence, and more. Elizabeth House is built on understanding the devastating impact of trauma and believes in the power of Christ to heal and transform all lives. For this reason, the organization provides holistic support, taking the time necessary to get to root causes in order to build afresh.

Elizabeth House is in it as long as it takes with the women and children in its programs and creates a personalized experience and plan for each one. The organization is committed to life-long service. Year after year, the team is proud of how much these women accomplish in reclaiming their lives and building successful futures. 

The organization’s Residential Program can accommodate up to six young families at a time. Residential clients stay through the duration of their pregnancies and for up to four months after their babies are born, living in a supportive, home-like setting, and receiving a full range of care. This includes case management, intensive professional counseling, access to healthcare, parent education, job training, mother-to-mother mentoring, scholarship support, baby supplies, and more.

While started as a residential program has grown to include life-long Alumni Services and a Community-Based Program through the organization’s Center for Mother & Child Wellbeing. Alumni Services allows Elizabeth House to see its former residents through for the long haul, and the Community-Based Program provides services to pregnant and parenting women who do not need shelter but do need support.

Click here to learn about other Programs offered.

Each year many local organizations, churches, and businesses partner with Elizabeth House to see transformation in the lives of the clients they serve. From hosting service days to donation drives, community partners infuse energy and life into the organization. Consider linking arms with Elizabeth House this year as one of their community partners.

Click here to learn more about getting involved.

Contact Elizabeth House:
P.O. Box 94077
Pasadena, CA 91109-4077

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