Creativity, Strategy and Communication for Real-World Results.
HUTdogs Team has a strong background in graphic design and making you look good. We’ve been making businesses and non-profits shine since 2001.
HUTdogs services start with a game plan. What you say, how you say it, where you say it, when you say it, and why you are saying it matter.
HUTdogs Creative Services focus on your message and reaching your audience. It’s all about getting results.
HUTdogs helps businesses and non-profits market their business.
We focus on the Art of Promotion. Finding the best strategy, creative content, and tools to get results for businesses and non-profits.
What sets us apart is our experience, creativity and relationships. We are not just a graphic design business or a marketing business or social media manager or content strategist. We are so much more. We’re a mix of it all with a wealth of real world experience.
We offer several solutions to help promote your business, your brand, your products, your events and your services:
We do it for you.
Many of our clients are busy running their business and they hire HUTdogs to do their marketing. We step in to help create and distribute promotional materials, graphics, online and social communications, email marketing and event services.
We do it with you.
Some clients prefer to be guided through the how to’s of using today’s on-line marketing tools. We schedule periodic coaching sessions to discuss strategy, create a game plan, create on-line communications and marketing messages and more.
We teach you.
HUTdogs is known for its practical real-world teaching style. We help business folks learn how to use today’s marketing tools and get results. Our on-line training and courses can get you up to speed quickly.
HUTdogs’ roots are deep in graphic design.
Over the years, we have helped our clients develop corporate identities, marketing collateral for traditional media pieces and campaigns as well as build their online presence. We focus on providing professional, intriguing and well-designed on-line and off-line marketing materials and solutions. Our custom developed web sites, and even our template driven web sites, are designed with you and your audience in mind. We feel that quality design and thoughtful strategies should influence your social media presence as well.
Presenting your business, products, services, and your image in a professional manner is important. The HUTdogs design teams work with you to make sure your marketing materials and promotional campaigns look great. After all, your web presence and printed marketing materials are essential tools for communicating with your customers.
HUTdogs is a Certified Constant Contact Solution Provider
We help our clients create and deliver effective email marketing campaigns using Constant Contact, because we know it gets results.
Our goal is the same as yours – to promote your business.
As a creative services business, HUTdogs can create marketing collateral, social media campaigns, email marketing campaigns, logos, graphics and promotional pieces for your business. We also help you learn about today’s tools and technology through our signature workshops for Facebook, Email Marketing, Social Media and campaign development. If a workshop environment is not your style, no problem, we also offer one-on-one coaching and teaching as well as on-line classes. We are here to help you grow your business.
HUTdogs provides professional custom graphic design solutions. As a division of Emjay Creative, Inc. , HUTdogs has access to creative resources for all of your web, social media, email marketing and print related materials.
We are familiar with the needs of a small business and growing non-profit organization and over the years we have learned a trick or two. We like to share our knowledge in our Workshops, coaching and on-line classes.
Find them at:
713 W. Duarte Rd. #G PMB 172 Arcadia, CA 91007-7564