Gov. Gavin Newsom and state lawmakers said Tuesday they have worked out a deal to bring back paid coronavirus sick leave. The agreement, which comes after a similar law passed in 2021 expired several months ago, would give workers access to supplemental paid sick leave through Sept. 30.
The legislation, which lawmakers would likely fast-track to the governor in the coming weeks. The framework would provide up to two weeks of leave to fulltime workers at businesses with at least 26 employees. It would cover workers who are sick with the coronavirus and those caring for loved ones with COVID-19.
Workers who test positive would need to present a test to receive the full amount of paid leave, which would be retroactive to Jan. 1. The deal also proposes restoring suspended tax credits in a bid to help businesses shoulder the costs of the extra paid leave, which could be especially valuable for restaurants and other small businesses that have been battered by the pandemic