Chamber Resources

Does your LLC owe the $800 Minimum Annual Franchise Tax?

If so, you risk having your company suspended.  During the pandemic there was a first year exemption for the $800 annual franchise tax fee, if you formed between January 1, 2021 and January 1, 2024. This led to confusion about the existence of this fee and when it is due. Many did not realize this payment was due last April by the 15th.  Here is the official government copy regarding the exemption: For tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2021, and before January 1, 2024, LLCs that organize, register, or file with the Secretary of State to do business in California are not subject to the annual tax of $800 for their first tax year. Regarding when the $800 franchise fee is due, the government provides this information: You have until the 15th day of the 4th month from the date you file with the SOS to pay your first-year annual tax. Example: You form a new LLC and register with SOS on June 18, 2020. Your annual LLC tax will be due on September 15, 2020 (15th day of the 4th month). From that time on the subsequent annual tax payments will continue to be due on the 15th day of the 4th month of your taxable year. This aligns with yearly tax filing deadlines. This fee is due until you file documents to dissolve the corporation. It you owe back payments, then you cannot dissolve the corporation until those are paid.  Please note this annual tax will be due, even if you are not conducting business, until you cancel your LLC. If you do not pay this fee on time, your LLC can be suspended. When your business has been suspended or forfeited, it is not in good standing and loses its rights, powers, and privileges to do business in California. To learn more about this or other legal requirements of an LLC contact the SBDC at to schedule an appointment with an advisor.

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California Requires Workplace Violence Prevention Plans

Beginning July 1, 2024, employers of all sizes will be required to have a written workplace violence prevention plan, maintain a violent incident log, and provide workplace violence prevention training to employees. These requirements apply to nearly all California employers. Exceptions include healthcare employers covered by the state’s workplace violence prevention plan standard, remote employees working at a location not controlled by the employer, and worksites with fewer than 10 employees that are not open to the public. Complete information on the requirements is available at the Cal/OSHA’s Workplace Violence Prevention Guidance and Resources page, which includes helpful FAQs and a Fact Sheet. For questions and free technical assistance, employers should contact the Cal/OSHA Consultation Services Branch at (800) 963-9424 or by email at Workplace Violence Prevention PlanEmployers must develop and maintain a written workplace violence prevention plan that all employees can access and that is tailored to address the hazards and corrective measures in each work area and operation. The plan must include mechanisms for involving employees, including the implementation of the plan, identification and correction of hazards, ongoing improvement of the plan, reporting of incidents, and training. The plan can either be incorporated into the employer’s existing written injury and illness prevention program (as a stand-alone section) or maintained as its own document. Employers are required to review the plan regularly and conduct periodic inspections to identify workplace violence hazards. Violent Incident LogEmployers must keep a violent incident log with specific information about each workplace violence incident. The information in the log must come from employees who experienced the incident, witness statements, and investigational findings. Personal identifying information (such as names and addresses) that would allow someone to identify those involved in the incident should be excluded from the log. The log must be reviewed annually, when a violent incident occurs, and when a deficiency arises.  TrainingEmployers are required to provide employees with training on the workplace violence plan when it’s first established and annually thereafter. Additional training must be provided when a new workplace violence hazard is identified or when changes are made to the plan. Any training materials must be appropriate for the employees’ language, literacy, and educational level. Action ItemsCreate a written workplace violence prevention plan, make it available to all employees, and provide training on the plan before July 1, 2024. Information courtesy of Southland Data Processing

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$5000 Grants for Restaurants

The Restaurants Care Resilience Fund is accepting applications June 15-30, 2024. Independent restaurants and commercial caterers are invited to apply for $5,000 to build resilience – technology upgrades, equipment upgrades, employee training/retention, and unforeseen hardship. Let’s make restaurants more resilient! They anticipate awarding $5,000 grants to 278 small businesses, and encourage you to apply! Please read the eligibility:

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Minimum Wage Updates

Employers should expect minimum wage increases starting July 1, 2024 for the following municipalities. Below you can view the website where you can download the required respective poster.  Please note that the minimum wage in South Pasadena remains unchanged, at $16.00 as of January 1, 2024. However, if you conduct business or hire employees in the below listed cities, you must comply with their respective minimum wage requirements. Pasadena $17.50/hour Click Here Malibu $17.27/hour Santa Monica $17.27/hour City of Los Angeles $17.28/hour Unincorporated L.A. County $17.27/hour Click Here

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Contact Us

PO Box 3446
South Pasadena, CA 91031

1121 Mission Street
South Pasadena, CA 91030
Tuesday – Friday
10am – 5pm or by Appointment.

(626) 441-2339

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